Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

NFS Hot Pursuit

22 November 2010

Need For Speed : Hot Pursuit (2010)

| 10 P[ebruari 2011 | 7 Comments

Need For Speed : Hot Pursuit Repack (2010) | 4.2 Gb
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit is a 2010 racing video game in development by Criterion Games and published by Electronic Arts for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows and iPhone. A version for Wii is also developed by Exient. The game will support 3D-display output on PlayStation 3 and Windows. Hot Pursuit has been described as a "revolutionary" addition to the Need for Speed franchise, it is the 14th title in the franchise and is scheduled for release in November 2010.

Hot Pursuit goes back to the Need for Speed series' roots and takes on the gameplay style of earlier "Hot Pursuit"-titles in the Need for Speed franchise with exotic cars and high-speed police chases. It is primarily inspired by the original Need for Speed on 3DO. Hot Pursuit lets the player play as either a cop or a racer and will feature a full career mode for both roles.

The relationship between the cops and racers is described as "a dog chasing down a rabbit" with the cops being more powerful compared to the racers. Each side has several power-ups including calling for roadblocks and radar jamming.

The game takes place in fictional location called Seacrest County. It is entirely open-world and features over 100 miles (160 km) of open road and, as a reference, it is four times larger than Paradise City, the city of Burnout Paradise. According to Criterion is the single-player section, somewhere between 12–15 hours long, but with lots of replay value.

Hot Pursuit also features a new social interaction system called "Autolog" described as "Facebook for the game". The game features both single-player and multiplayer game modes with up to eight players; as an option to live multiplayer racing, player can post records and achievements on the Autolog-feed for friends to see, which they then can try to beat. Autolog also contains an experience system called "Bounty".

So far the only game mode revealed is "Interceptor 1 vs 1", where one cop chases one racer, but more game modes are to be revealed. Other features include the player being able to add custom soundtracks to the game.

The driving model of the game is described as "fun and accessible". It is not as arcade-styled as Burnout Paradise, but far from a simulator. All cars in Hot Pursuit are licensed real-world supercars, and the carlist is described as "all the cars you dreamed of driving, in the way you dreamed of driving them".

Most cars will be available to both racers and cops, but a few will be exclusive to each side. Also exclusively featured in the Hot Pursuit is the Porsche 918 Spyder. Ferrari however, last seen in a Shift DLC-pack but notably absent from all other Need for Speed games since Hot Pursuit 2, will also be absent from Hot Pursuit.

Recent games in the Need for Speed franchise included a story, but Matt Webster, producer of Hot Pursuit said "We didn’t really think it was necessary to include a story. If you’re a cop, the aim is to go up the ranks, while a racer’s aim is to get to the highest rank they can."

Minimum System Requirements :
* OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7
* CPU: Intel P4 @ 2.6 Ghz or similar
* RAM: 2 GB
* HDD: 7 GB free disk space
* Graphics: 256 MB Graphics Memory
* Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible
* DirectX: Version 9.0c

Install Note :
How to Change Language to English
Just download Repack ver. & install a game in Russian.
To change the language in English do this:
Run> regedit> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE> Electronic Arts>
Need for Speed(TM) Hot Pursuit> Locale>
(Double click)type en instead of ru &
Need for Speed(TM) Hot Pursuit> 1.0>
LanguageName>(Double click) type English instead of Russian.

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Password Unrar :

Other Alternative Game Full Version
Download Need For Speed : Hot Pursuit (2010) Full ISO | 7.8 Gb

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Password Unlock Link :

Password Unrar :
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Minggu, 06 Februari 2011

Tips Merawat Baterai Laptop

Posted by admin on January 28, 2011 , No comment
Setiap orang pastinya menginginkan agar barang yang di beli dapat tahan lama alias awet. Begitu juga dengan barang yang satu ini, baterai Laptop. Sebagai mana kita ketahui bahwa harga baterai laptop lumayana mahal. Lalu, bagaimana caranya agar baterai laptopkita bisa awet dan tahan lama?
Berikut ini beberapa tips cara merawat baterai laptop agar awet dan tahan lama:
1. Saat Pertama kali membeli Laptop, Charge Baterai Sekitar 8 – 10 jam.
2. Setiap menggunakan Laptop lebih baik jika power adaptor tetap terpasang (di Charge terus) Karena baterai tipe-tipe BARU SEKARANG mempunyai CONTROLL BATTERY artinya “Jika Full, baterai akan stop charging (stand by) jadi laptop otomatis langsung pakai power listrik, dan Juga Tidak Membuat Baterai Soak/Kembung”.
3. Jangan Melakukan sistem CdC (Charge Discharge) = “Apabila batrei penuh cabut adaptor, dan setelah habis pasang adaptor” .
4. Baterai jangan di KALIBRASI (pengosong isi batrei sampai habis 0%) karena banyak effeknya ke baterai (Cycle Count)
5. Jangan pernah LEPAS BATERAI (baterai jangan disimpan, menggunakan power listrik langsung), apabila tiba-tiba listrik mati perangkat laptop terjadi konsleting (LCD,motherboard,dll) dan mengakibatkan kerusakan laptop. Selain Itu baterai juga mengkontrol arus listrik yang masuk sebelum ke perangkat yg lain.
6. 5 menit Sebelum memakai laptop pasang adaptor, 5 menit setelah Laptop dimatikan cabut adaptor.
7. Saat menggunakan baterai (portabel/tanpa di charge), hindari (main Game, putar DVD/CD, software2 Grafis Tinggi ). Jika masih ada power listrik lebih baik di charge saja.
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Rabu, 02 Februari 2011

Solusi Windows 7 Sering Ristar

Windows 7 Agar Tidak Sering Ristar

Windows 7 bukanlah sistem operasi “sakti” yang bebas masalah. Meski sudah jauh lebih baik dibandingkan pendahulunya, ada saja kekurangan di sana sini. Masalah yang muncul bisa bermacam-macam, mulai dari aplikasi crash gara-gara tidak mendukung, sampai penyakit doyan restart sendiri.

Kejadian restart otomatis ini sebenarnya bukanlah suatu bug, tetapi justru fasilitas yang memang dimiliki Windows jika ia mendeteksi adanya masalah pada sistem. Meski begitu, alih-alih membantu, fitur ini bisa jadi malah bikin sebal.

Untuk mencegahnya, simak langkah-langkah berikut.

1. Klik “Start > Control Panel > System and Security > System”.

2. Klik “Advanced system settings”, lalu klik tombol “Settings” yang ada di dalam kotak “Startup and Recovery”.

3. Sebuah jendela baru berjudul “Startup and Recovery” akan muncul. Carilah kotak cek “Automatically restart” pada boks “System failure”, lalu hilangkan tanda cek di depannya.

4. Klik “OK” dan “OK” sekali lagi untuk menyimpan perubahan dan keluar dari “Sistem Properties”.
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Windows Server Edition

15 January 2011

Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition

| 15 January 2011 | 4 Comments

Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition | 1.5 Gb
Windows Server 2008 is the most advanced Windows Server operating system yet, designed to power the next-generation of networks, applications, and Web services. With Windows Server 2008 you can develop, deliver, and manage rich user experiences and applications, provide a highly secure network infrastructure, and increase technological efficiency and value within your organization.

Windows Server 2008 builds on the success and strengths of its Windows Server predecessors while delivering valuable new functionality and powerful improvements to the base operating system. New Web tools, virtualization technologies, security enhancements, and management utilities help save time, reduce costs, and provide a solid foundation for your information technology (IT) infrastructure.

Serials and Instruction of How to activate:1. BVFRH-VQ3KY-34XV8-DCR7P-MHGPV

Do not enter the product key during setup. Wait for windows to load.
At command prompt type ...
cscript C:\windows\system32\slmgr.vbs -ipk
Waite for confirmation.

Then after the first command is successful, type
cscript C:\windows\system32\slmgr.vbs -ato
Again waite for confirmation.

After that right click on my computer and you will see still some days to activate.
Click change product key and enter the 2nd key which you already inserted in the command prompt.
Just follow the instruction and your windows will be activated.

Download Here :
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